
The video below is images from the Deepwater Horizon semi-submersible drilling rig that blew out in April 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico fouling the Gulf and killing 11 rig workers. The song I wrote some months thereafter as the full extent of the ecological disaster was becoming clear. In the song, I imagine a future for a local fisherman some years after the blowout. Thankfully, that future has largely not occurred. The Gulf of Mexico has recovered relatively well. Fishing has resumed. But long-term and irreversible ecological damage has been done.

The following video is of a local TV show ("Nashville Sidestreets") I did in Nashville some years back. The song "Something Is Wrong" I wrote about the deplorable state of the music "business" these days. Everybody's making money but those who make the music: songwriters, artists, session players, recording engineers, etc.

"Little Hank"

This is a video that my co-writer on "Red, White and Pink-Slip Blues" Mark Stephen Jones and I shot the day that Hank Williams, Jr. released the song (tax day, April 15, 2008). We started out around six am with breakfast somewhere (I can't remember—some joint on Elliston Place, West End in Nashville). By mid-afternoon when we started this, we were pretty hammered. Not sure where we got little Hank. I think a friend of ours bought him fer us. Might a'been Julie Forester. In fact, she might have shot this video. I don't know. I appear briefly at around 4 minutes strolling through the video. Mostly, this is Mark being Mark.